Keys for working in windows and dialog boxes

Press In a window to
ALT+TAB Switch to the next program
ALT+SHIFT+TAB Switch to the previous program
CTRL+ESC Display the Windows Start menu
CTRL+W Close the active picture window
CTRL+F5 Restore the active picture window
CTRL+F6 Switch to the next picture window
CTRL+SHIFT+F6 Switch to the previous picture window
F6 Switch to the next window pane in the clockwise direction
SHIFT+F6 Switch to the next window pane in the counterclockwise direction
ALT+0 Select the folder list in the Open or Save As dialog box (File menu)
The arrow keys Select a folder in the Open or Save As dialog box (File menu)
ALT+number (1 for the leftmost button, 2 for the next, and so on) Select a toolbar button in the Open or Save As dialog box (File menu)
SHIFT +CTRL+F12 Carry out the Print command (File menu)
CTRL+F12 Carry out the Open command (File menu)
F12 Carry out the Save As command (File menu)
CTRL+TAB Switch to the next toolbar (including the Visual menu)
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB Switch to the previous toolbar (including the Visual menu)
F5 Update the files visible in the Open or Save As dialog box (File menu)

Press In a dialog box to
CTRL+TAB Switch to the next tab in a dialog box
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB Switch to the previous tab in a dialog box
The TAB key Move to the next option or option group
SHIFT+TAB Move to the previous option or option group
The arrow keys Move between options in a selected drop-down list box or between some options in a group of options
The SPACEBAR Perform the action assigned to the selected button; select or clear the check box
The first letter of the option name Move to an option in a selected drop-down list box
ALT+the letter underlined in the option name Select an option; select or clear a check box
ALT+DOWN ARROW Open a selected drop-down list box
ENTER Perform the action assigned to a default button in a dialog box

Press In a text box to
HOME Move to the beginning of the entry
END Move to the end of the entry
LEFT ARROW Move one character to the left
RIGHT ARROW Move one character to the right
CTRL+LEFT ARROW Move one word to the left
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW Move one word to the right
SHIFT+HOME Select from the insertion point to the beginning of the entry
SHIFT+END Select from the insertion point to the end of the entry
SHIFT+LEFT ARROW Select or cancel the selection one character to the left
SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW Select or cancel the selection one character to the right
CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW Select or cancel the selection one word to the left
CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW Select or cancel the selection one word to the right

Press In a workpane to
TAB Move to next control option
SHIFT+TAB Move to previous control option
F6 or SHIFT+F6 Send focus to the workpane